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About Us:

Our Mission: To Improve the Practice of Management and Its Impact in a Changing World

Headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, Harvard Business Publishing is the leading provider of teaching materials for management education. HBP-Higher Education offerings include:

Case Method Teaching

Pioneered by Harvard Business School faculty in the 1920s, the case method brings real-life business dilemmas to life in the classroom. Cases provide the reality of managerial decision making – which includes incomplete information, time constraints, and conflicting goals – as students learn how to analyze business situations. The case method packs more experience into each hour of learning than any other instructional approach. It stimulates students' thinking and class discussion is a key aspect of learning. Not only is it the most relevant and practical way to learn managerial skills, it is deeply engaging for students.

Why Case Method?

Students enjoy the lively, participatory nature of an approach that enables them to play an active role in the learning process. They develop strategies, tactics, and solutions.

A study by the National Training Laboratories on learning methods found that participatory teaching methods lead to high levels of learning retention among students. Participant-centered learning (PCL) supports holistic learning for the real world by going beyond the 'knowing' (facts and frameworks) aspect of the learning process and emphasizing the 'doing' (execution) and 'being' (self-awareness and values) aspects.

HBP'S Offerings Include:

  • Harvard Business School Brief Cases. Rigorous and compact, these cases are 5-8 pages long plus exhibits, and each Brief Case is accompanied by a Teaching Note.

  • Core Curriculum Readings that cover foundational concepts and frameworks that students must study as part of their business education.

  • Simulations offer powerful experimental learning experiences for students by using real-world contexts to reinforce student learning. They are remarkably teachable, with simple but powerful administration tools.

  • Articles from Harvard Business Review and other top management journals, including Business Horizons, California Management Review, IESE-Insight Magazine, MIT Sloan Management Review, and Rotman Magazine.

  • eLearning course materials, including online simulations and online courses.

  • Books and chapters – from Harvard Business Review Press and other institutions including Business Experts Press, Perseus Books, and Princeton University Press – accompanied in many instances by syllabi and case listings to help instructors integrate books into courses.

  • Online coursepack tools that provide an academic discount to students. Educators registered on can clear permissions for course material from outside the HBP catalog, upload personal material for use in a course, and deliver digital and print-on-demand coursepacks.

See Case Method Teaching Resources

Company Overview

Harvard Business Publishing (HBP) was founded in 1994 as a not-for-profit, wholly-owned subsidiary of Harvard University, reporting into Harvard Business School. Our mission is to improve the practice of management in a changing world. This mission influences how we approach what we do here and what we believe is important.

With approximately 450 employees, primarily based in Boston, with offices in New York City, India, Singapore, Qatar and the United Kingdom, Harvard Business Publishing serves as a bridge between academia and enterprises around the globe through its publications and multiple platforms for content delivery, and its reach into three markets: academic, corporate, and individual managers. Harvard Business Publishing has a conventional governance structure comprising a Board of Directors, an internal Executive Committee, and Business Unit Directors.

We are committed to providing excellence in the work we publish, integrity and fair dealing with our customers, authors and ourselves, accountability for our performance and a sense of urgency to deliver on the promises we make. These are the values which drive our approach and our activities.

The three market groups: Higher Education, Corporate Learning, and Harvard Business Review Group, produce a variety of media including print and digital (Harvard Business Review, Harvard Business Review Press Books, Harvard Business School Cases, Brief Cases, blogs), events (Participant-Centered Learning Seminars, Custom Events, Webinars), and online learning (Harvard ManageMentor, Leadership Direct, Online Courses, Simulations). Through these publishing platforms, Harvard Business Publishing is able to influence real-world change by maximizing the reach and impact of its essential offering—ideas. Read our corporate brochure to learn more about our business.

Market Groups

Higher Education

Business educators worldwide use course materials from the Higher Education group to add dynamic, real-life perspectives to undergraduate, MBA, and executive education programs. We also offer resources and seminars that support participant-centered learning, the cornerstone of a teaching practice that stimulates students' thinking and prepares them for future managerial decision-making. The Higher Education web site expedites course planning and direct delivery of materials to students — including cases, articles, online simulations and courses.

Corporate Learning

Harvard Business Publishing Corporate Learning partners with clients to create world-class leadership development solutions for managers at all levels in global organizations and governments. We leverage the management insight, thought leadership, and expertise of Harvard Business School faculty and Harvard Business Review authors to provide solutions that are relevant to today's most pressing business challenges. For more than 20 years, we have developed and delivered innovative, technology-enabled solutions that drive meaningful business results.

Harvard Business Review Group

Harvard Business Review is the leading destination for smart management thinking. Through its flagship magazine, books, and digital content and tools published on, Harvard Business Review aims to provide professionals around the world with rigorous insights and best practices to help lead themselves and their organizations more effectively and to make a positive impact.

We are recognized by American College of Neuropsychoanalysis in Israel by the Department of Justice, likes Non Profit Organization by name: The College of Neuropsychoanalysis Licence Number: 580560720. R.A. And Florida Department of State by Number: N09000008756. FEI/EIN Number: 270928139.

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