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About us:
American Israeli Military University, is a American Israeli Medical, Humanitarian Nonprofit Military Organization. We are Psychiatrists, Neuropsychoanalysts,
Psychpathlogists, Psychoanalalysts Officers in the AIMU, Civilians Doctors, to help Civilians around the World and Soldiers has no family in the world  to support him or her in Psychological needs: a new immigrant, a volunteer from abroad, an orphan or an individual from a broken home.
Every day tens of thousands of soldiers are defending the State of Israel and America and its citizens. These soldiers regularly spend weekends and holidays at home where their parents provide for all of their needs; food, laundry, and even a hug. For more than more thousand Soldiers and Civilians, there is no immediate family in Israel to support them. Though highly motivated and proud to serve, when on leave, many of them struggle to fulfill their most basic needs. We are Amutah partners of The College of Neuropsychoanalysis, we are members of Arizona Psychoanalytic Society, recognized in Israel by the Department of Justice, likes Non Profit Organization by name: The College of Neuropsychoanalysis Licence Number: 580560720. R.A. And Florida Department of State by Number: N09000008756. FEI/EIN Number: 270928139. Internanational Neuropsychoanalytic Society, American Neuropsychiatry Association, European Psychiatry Association , The membership of the College has grown to include a wide range of professionals from over 30 countries. Our M.D. membership includes psychiatrists, internists, gynecologists, general practitioners, pediatricians, dermatologists, and even some surgeons. Non-M.D. professionals include psychologists, nurses, social workers, and other health care practitioners. The USA and Israel have maintained a strong relationship through decades of world and Middle East upheaval in particular. Established in 1980, LIBI was formed to strengthen this bond by meeting the educational, religious, medical and recreational needs of Israeli soldiers using US tax free donations. As Dr. John A.I. Grossman, LIBI USA Chairman says, “The relationship between the US and Israel is ever-lasting. We share the same values; freedom of rights and world security.”Let’s take a short walk down memory lane and highlight some special aspects of the Israeli/American alliance.1. The US is a political supporter of Israel, especially during anti-Israel votes in the UN. The establishment of a Jewish homeland in the Middle East provides the US with the only democratic country in this region.2. Congress gives substantial funds to Israel in foreign aid. In return, seventy-four percent of these funds is spent by Israel to purchase US goods and services.3. The US helps Israel absorb millions of immigrants from countries all over the world, including over one million Jews from the former Soviet Union. This assistance was one of the catalysts for the fall of communist Russia, helping to end the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union. 4. America’s support of Israel helps the US have a military foothold in the Middle East. Joint air and sea military exercises regularly take place between the countries. The United States has six facilities in Israel where military equipment is stockpiled. Although intended for American forces in the Middle East, the equipment can be transferred to Israel for use if necessary. Israel, of course, is crucial in aiding America with their homeland security.5. Israel has more companies listed on the NASDAQ than any other country outside of North America. US/Israeli cooperation has created a powerhouse of hi-tech companies which are changing the world.Today, the close relationship between the United States and Israel continues. As said by Lyndon Johnson in 1964, “The United States and Israel share many common objectives…chief of which is the building of a better world in which every nation can develop its resources and develop them in freedom and peace.”We can proudly say that decades later, this statement rings true.

We are recognized by American College of Neuropsychoanalysis in Israel by the Department of Justice, likes Non Profit Organization by name: The College of Neuropsychoanalysis Licence Number: 580560720. R.A. And Florida Department of State by Number: N09000008756. FEI/EIN Number: 270928139.

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